There are different kinds of pain and different therapies are employed in treating or managing them. An example is a tennis elbow. In this article, we would be discussing what it means and if your symptoms resemble, then you should consider shock wave therapy tennis elbow.
However, before that, you would need to know and understand the tennis elbow itself.
What is a tennis elbow?
Tennis elbow also referred to as lateral epicondylitis, is a discomfort that can irritate the tissue that connects the forearm muscles and the elbow usually caused by a continuous movement of the wrist and arm.
Because of its name, many might think that only athletes develop this pain or irritation, however, it is common in those with jobs that require frequent movement of the arm. Depending on your kind of job, many motions can lead to a tennis elbow and they include plumbers, butchers, painters, and carpenters.
The tennis elbow pain occurs where the tendon of the forearm muscles is attached to the bony bump of the elbow and can sometimes spread to your forearm and wrist.
Taking adequate great pain relievers can help alleviate the pain. However, in cases where it does not leave, you can always try therapy.
You may experience symptoms such as pain extending from your elbows to your wrist making it difficult for you to shake hands or grip an object, turn a doorknob, hold a book or pen and even hold a coffee mug. If you are experiencing all these, then you should see an expert and/or a therapist.
Why you should see a therapist
- They can help in reducing your pain. This is the main goal of therapy in tennis elbow. Due to the damage to the tendons on the outside and inside of your elbow, pain radiates and affects your daily life. The therapist helps you reduce such pain by breaking up the scar tissue which in turn improves your elbow mobility.
- Therapy can help improve your range of motion. It is quite common that when a part of the body hurts or is in pain, we tend to use that part less thereby reducing its capability, the same applies to the tennis elbow. The therapist would help you exercise the area, giving you advice on what to do and help you strengthen your forearm muscles thereby restoring the normal range of motion to your elbow.
- They can help prevent and reduce the risk of future injuries. The physical therapists do not only help you with your elbow pain but also analyse all your movements and postures to help you correct any that might cause you or lead to a form of injury in the future.